American Akitas vom Wächterberg

H-Litter, Janes third litter

15th March, 2008
Today our Pups are 3 weeks old. Here there's a new video.

Hero. Hanko and Hira

14th March, 08

Hailey, Hunter, Hakuro and Hira

13 March, 08

Hunter, Hira and Hailey

Hanko, Hakuro and Hailey

12th March, 2008
Hunter, Hanko and Hailey

12th March, 08
Here we have our third video for you. This is the way you can watch our pups several times a day: being very excited when Jane comes, searching for the best way to drink, washing each other and finally, looking for a nice place to sleep again.

All six together

9th March, 08
Our Puppies have started to explore their litter box on their own little feet. Their eyes have opened, too. So they begin being interested in each other.

Hakuro, Hira und Hanko

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