American Akitas vom Wächterberg

Our spring hike

Christopher had invited all dog lovers on 8 March to a spring hike in the Elbe valley. From Altkötzschenbroda 31 people - large and small ones - started on a tour along the Elbe and through the so-called wine, mansion and garden city Radebeul. A lot of walkers , cyclists and some dogs were on their ways, but our doggies behaved perfectly. After bratwurst and beer we went into the cozy wine cellar, where Jürgen Raupach showed us a film with many impressions of his sled dogs holiday in Sweden. Very interesting.

All in all a beautiful spring start and many thanks to Jürgen and Evi and Christopher and Christine with Eichi, who after so numerous dogs visits in his territory had a lot to do afterwards.

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