American Akitas vom Wächterberg

more Shadow

8th June, 2009

Shadow is 8 months today and this picture perfectly fits to his name OUT OF THE SHADOW.
Meanwhile our youngster would like to assume the big boss-role in our pack but Jane does not allow that. That is why the two of them quarreled with each other twice. For now there is peace among them cause Shadow respects Jane's leadership.
Apart from that we enjoy our daily walks through the woods and Shadi is crazy about running through the fields. We wished summer would never end.

Shadow almost 7 months old

Shadi is six months old now

Our youngster is 5 months now and has not become a bit qieter yet 🙂

In nice spring weather he obviously prefers being in our garden and is all about ...

chasing the balls

guarding his kingdom

and one of his favourite activities: romping around with Jane whenever she is in the mood for that.

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