American Akitas vom Wächterberg


2nd June

Our puppies are 10 days old today.

And a video is there again. Our puppies are pretty agile when Jane enters the litter box. And it does not bother if she turns her back to them. There is always a way to Mama's belly somehow.

31st May

This time there is not any puppies group picture, but Shadi and Chey, which of course have also noticed that our pack has got puppies. They still have to wait to get to know them, but when the pups have grown a bit they can care about them too.

29th May

Here you can see our second little video. Tomorrow, our puppies will be already one week old. Still, the two main activities are sleeping and drinking. Cute to look when our babies jostle for the best places at mum's teats.

27th May

Every day a new picture of our puppies and you can clearly see how the little ones have developed after four days. When weighing today, we were satisfied, from yesterday to today, all puppies have increased their weight.

May 26

Today we show you a first video of our little puppies when drinking, smacking, swallowing and scrambling.

May 25

Day Two with our K-puppies is behind us. Still, we receive many nice greetings, for which we want to thank you again very much. There is not much to tell yet, because apart from the sleep-drink-sleep rhythm nothing exciting happens in the litter box. Nevertheless, one could spend hours just sitting in front and watch.

24th May

Today, our kids are one day old. Significantly more active than yesterday they crawled to mum's teats and spent the day drinking and sleeping. Also, Jane has recovered quite well. With much appetite she ate her meals today and went for a short walk behind our garden fence. Apart from that, she takes care of her babies like usual and is a really good mum. As always, we made a special page for each of our puppies, so that we can present you the development of our young American Akitas over the next few weeks. Please enjoy it and many thanks for your congratulations on the birth.

We have puppies

Today, 23 May 2011 the four puppies of our K-litter were born: two boys and two girls. With joy we appreciate this wonderful gift of nature. Mama Jane and babies are doing well and must now - as we will do- take some time to sleep. Soon you will find our puppies in more detail on this page.

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