American Akitas vom Wächterberg

Goro, male

24th April, twenty-first day

Goro explores the meadow.

21st April, picture of the eighteenth day

Today Goro seems to enjoy weighing. He is still the heaviest with 1800 grams.

15th April, picture of the twelfth day

Goro was 1200 grams today. It is hard to weigh him cause he is moving all the time.

13th April, picture of the tenth day

12th April, picture of the ninth day

Sleeping little Goro.

10th April, picture of the seventh day

7th April, picture of the fourth day

5th April, pictures of the second day

Goro came third. At the moment he is he heaviest with 500 grams. He is dark brown with white signs.

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