American Akitas vom Wächterberg

Faizah at her new home

Faizahs Rufname ist nun Bopper. Sie wohnt bei Brian und Katrin in der Nähe von Köln. Brian schickte uns diese ausführliche Mail und ein paar Fotos von seiner American Akita Hündin. Es fällt ihm schwer in Worte zu fassen, wie sehr er von Bopper begeistert ist. Für die Englischkundigen von euch hier seine Worte:

Faizah is called Bopper now. She lives with Brian and Katrin near Cologne. We are really delighted about Brian's first mail and some pictures:

I cannot quite figure out what it is about this puppy. To say she is amazing doesn't quite fit what I am saying. My only way is to try and describe so I hope you don't mind. Bopper is definately the talk of the town around here. A few of our family members are waiting for a litter from her. When I first read your website, I knew that having Bopper would be a great fit for me. I love the outdoors. I love long walks thru the woods and by the water. Well, I even love talking to dogs because they always know what to say.

Never did I imagine that I would be such a perfect fit for her as well. As a dog owner, I guess you always accept the challenge of providing the things your dogs will need. As an owner, you cant really make a dog say thank you. You can train it, but it's not quite the same. Bopper is special to us. She has so many ways of saying thank you to Katrin and I.

Lately, I feed her ground beef mixed with her dry dog food. I want her to fill out her body sooner rather than later so that I may work her and exercise her in proportion to her growth. I do not spoil her by giving her this meal too often, but when I give her dry food only, she takes it in without too much complaining. After eating her meal with ground beef, Bopper likes to come close to me. After dry food, she likes to ignore me (joking).

Bopper has yet to use the bathroom in our home. I do take her out several times a day and for long periods, but lets face it, I am simply picking up where you left off. Thank you so much for the care you have at your home. I want you to know dearly, that what you do at your akita-kennel is also displayed when those pups leave and goto new homes. All someone has to do is have a clue and they have a great dog for life.

Furthermore, just something funny I want to add to this e mail. My wife is a fashion designer. She was teaching me today how to sew. I made a pair of sweatpants in preparation for our daughter-to-be. When her sewing machine was not doing exactly what she wanted it to do, she replied that sometimes she had to trick it, and then it would respond how she wanted it to.

Sometimes she is amazed at what I get Bopper to achieve. If only she knew that my philosophy was so similar. Only differance between a good dog and computers I guess, you only gotta tell the dog once. Thanks for a great friend in Bopper.

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