American Akitas vom Wächterberg

Django, male

2 liegen übereinander

Post of Django's new dad, August 2004:

'We are fine and had some nice holidays which I spent at a little lake and at the River Main. I really have to take a camera to get some pictures when both of them are swimming. Having hesitated at the beginning now they don't miss any opportunity to have a bath.

auf blauem Teppich

January 2004:

I am fascinated by Django more and more. He has become much darker as you can see in the pictures.
Now he weighs 18 kilos and obeys orders like 'Sit', 'Down', 'Stay' etc.
However he likes hunting crows, but without any success, of course.

liegt auf blauem Teppich

unterm Tisch

73rd day:
Django has left us. He has found some nice young people near Würzburg who will have a lot of joy with him.

beim Spiel

65th day

mit Plüschtier

65th day

aufmerksam stehend

65th day

im Garten

59th day
with Dana

zwischen Kletterrosen

50th day
with Dojo


41st day

stehend im Gras

27th day


4th day

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